*This game contains flickering lights, jumpscares, loud sounds and scary sounds!*

Wait for Thing to appear, press the flashlight, and keep. him. out..

If you get a system error, click on the error button and wait. While an error happens; you are blinded from seeing Thing.

All images made by me.

Because this game is in early development; A lot of bugs and glitches exist. If anything happens and your game breaks, reload the page.

Game description:

You are a security guard at an IKEA, in your first night you find yourself being chased by a huge creature. You have to keep it out so you use the security camera at the door to keep it out; but sometimes your system gets an error and you have to fix it.

"Thing" Lore:

The hum of the equipment makes you nervous as you watch in horror.. What did i just hear? A loud noise coming from in the distance. You see a face slowly appearing in front of the screen and you wonder, is this the end? You turn on your flashlight and it disappears! But 10 seconds later while celebrating; it appears again.. Unnoticed it crawls into the office, it killed you..

The last thing you hear is the hum of the equipment.

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